We understand and appreciate that when seeking psychological care, you are likely experiencing challenges that are causing a level of distress. While you aim to find support to help alleviate that distress, it is important to find the right type of support that best fits your needs.

While we endeavor to provide the best possible standard of psychological care, there are areas in which we are not best placed to offer safe and effective therapeutic intervention. For example, we do not provide assessments for the diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) or ADHD or where a child, young person or adults difficulties have met the threshold for a referral to AMHS or a Crisis Response Service or where such services are already providing support.

As a service that not does provide emergency or crisis intervention, we cannot accept a referral where there is a level of risk associated with mental ill-health such as suicidal thoughts or plans.

For safe and effective care, certain difficulties (e.g. where there is a concern around risk or eating disorder issues) require a longer-term, multi-disciplinary, team-based approach or psychological support that is integrated with other professionals, such as Psychiatry or Allied Health Professionals. We primarily work on an alone clinician basis, therefore we cannot accept referrals where such multi-professional support is indicated. Your GP is best placed to advise you on how to access such service(s).