Expert psychological assessments and support for those in need.

Founded by William and Carmel, Psychological Pathways help people navigate their toughest times, building from a foundation of psychological theories, research, and our extensive professional experience.

We work hand in hand with both those directly facing tough times and the Medico-legal professionals across Ireland that are supporting their clients. 

More About Psychological Pathways

Psychological Assessments for Solicitors & Medico-Legal Specialists

Our team have become trusted experts in supporting solicitors across Ireland to provide expert psychological assessments and ongoing legal support. Carmel leads on adult cases while William has extensive experience of working with minors.

 With a focus on: 

medico legal services
  • 01.

    Road traffic accidents claims 

  • 02.

    Work-related accident claims

  • 03.

    Medical negligence claims 

More About Medico-Legal Services
Adult Services

Proven processes that deliver for you and your client

Build Bridges

Online training on better ways to talk to children about why they are in care and what this means.

Designed for social workers and foster carers to make it easier to communicate with children who find themselves in difficult situations.

More Information
Video Link - Build Bridges Online Training Programme

Feel comfortable, confident and competent in the real world situation when difficult conversations arise.

Experience experts who help fill the gaps in social care textbooks. Training for real world situations.

Training from experts in Northern Ireland

As professionals responsible for helping people during their most challenging times, it is essential that we regularly receive the highest quality training. This ensures social workers, psychologists or foster parents are equipped to provide the best possible care in any situation. 

We offer a wide range of training courses for social care professionals.

professional training
More About Training
People taking notes in training seminar

Training for those tricky situations we all face in our social care roles.

Don't let mental health worries hold you back

Mental health challenges effect how we view ourselves in the world. They effect our motivation and drive, our hopefulness for the future, our self-confidence and self-esteem, our capacity to self-criticise and attribute self-blame.

Let us use our knowledge, skills, and experience to support you through your challenges.

More about therapy for adults
Man with backpack preparing to climb a mountain